Monday, January 14, 2008

Friday Night Fights

Another Friday down the tubes. It wasn't that bad, we didn't get our first trauma basic until 0130. 20 something male with a nice deep stab wound to the chest. He was brought via EMS by some kick ass veteran basics who couldn't have done a better job packaging this ETOH induced ass clown for his arrival to the land of chest tubes and copious amounts of blood transfusions. They had successfully stopped the bleeding and applied a text book sucking chest wound dressing. From what the cops were saying it was a pretty hectic crime scene with party goers hurling bottles at the ambulance before the police finally showed up on scene. They rolled him into the trauma bay gave report and left. Thank you please come again. He was very combative at first yelling at us thrashing around refusing medical attention. It is amazing how cooperative a pt can be once they become hypovolemic. The attending cracked me up a little. First she told the trauma/surg team to get their shit together and pick up there sharps from the discarded  chest tube kits on the floor then she turned to myself and the recording nurse and stated "I've never met a stab vic that i liked."

Of course in the middle of this trauma in came our second call, a drunken 19 y.o. female college student who was grazed by a cab. "OMG am i gonna die?!?!" No princess you got lucky. of course she refused to allow us to cut her favorite jeans off despite clear evidence of multiple right sided trauma. Whatever!  She was gonna walk away from the ED in the morning with probably some minor injuries. 

I walked out to the waiting room to find stab vics family after he was rushed up to the OR. There was his Mom and sister sitting there waiting looking pretty stoic. Standing next to them was college girls 3 friends all freaking out on cell phones about Princess. One of them saw me walking towards them. "OMG is Princess gonna die?!?!?" 

Yup another Friday, another fight, another night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a night in my little ghetto ED.